Through the bible with les feldick lesson 1 part 1 book 43 pauls glimpse at prophecy ii thessalonians 1. Les feldick has recorded more that 600 bible teaching television programs. Unlike these babbling fools who rant and rave, pace around a stage like lunitics, surround themselves with musical instrument, and gold laced drapes. The only official les feldick ministries websites are. Les feldick book 55, lesson 03, segment 04 duration. Smashwords through the bible with les feldick, book 72 a. Through the bible with les feldick lesson 3 part 4 book 15 matthew 24 in revelation chapter 12, i will show you where these jews are going to flee when they suddenly must leave jerusalem as jesus admonished them in matthew 24. They have three grown children and eight grandchildren. But at barley harvest time which was the first crop that israel harvested in palestine, shortly after passover, this feast was. Les feldick bible study ebooks les feldick bible study.
We are on program number three this afternoon in book. Purchase the box set including the book, and the sets of 12 dvds and 12 cds. And it shall come to pass in the last days, saith god, i will pour out of my spirit upon all flesh. It thrills our heart to know that folks are learning, and so many are writing and calling and telling us that for the first they are beginning to see the difference between god dealing with israel and the church. One of many bible teaching books on the through the bible with les feldick web site at. Through the bible with les feldick, book 60 overdrive. Reasons les feldick has been called a heretic include his statements that contradict the bible and his supposed incorrect interpretations of biblical events.
Jul 22, 2015 les feldick is an oklahoma rancher and has enjoyed that lifestyle for many years. The gospel book 1 les feldick through the bible in a day concordia university seminar. Through the bible with les feldick the end of all things is at hand part 2 lesson 1 part 2 book 55 les feldick bible study. Through the bible with les feldick lesson 3 part 2 book 55 the mark of false teachers and scoffers. Just make your request known and we will take care of everything. And again, i need to remind you, as we have new people joining us every day, that these little jewish epistles are written to the jewish believers who have been scattered from acts 8. We say his ministry, because the following quotes have been taken from the book entitled, questions and answers from the bible, and it is stated that it is by les feldick, but later near the end of the web page this statement is found. Study to show thyself approved unto god, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.
Please practice handwashing and social distancing, and check out our. Presented by les feldick click for audio studies plan for heaven king james version romans 3. Les feldick started teaching home bible study classes in the 1960s. Oct 12, 2016 through the bible with les feldick i peter 4. Les feldick ministries has 82 books on goodreads with 337 ratings.
Through the bible with les feldick lesson 3 part 3 book 55 2 peter 2. Now, from day one, even before israel became a nation, god had given instruction way back there at noahs time that the human race was not to partake of. Topically organized and indexed to make searches easier, this book is an essential for any serious bible student. Okay, lets get back to where we were in our last lesson. Receive the total package, which includes the book, 3 dvd set, and 6 cd set. Les feldick bible study 231 lesson 1 part 3 book 20. Hello, and welcome to through the bible with les feldick. Through the bible with les feldick lesson 3 part 4 book 55 2 peter 2. And in the days of these kings that is, starting with nebuchadnezzar and those other four great empires leading up to the time. Les feldick bible study was created for the sole purpose of helping believers understand and enjoy the word of god, rightly divided. Oct 07, 2016 through the bible with les feldick lesson 3 part 3 book 54 i peter 2. Listen to 693 les feldick bible study lesson 3 part 1 book 58 by les feldick bible study for free. Les feldick bible study is posting one 30 minute through the bible with les feldick video each day.
Please practice handwashing and social distancing, and check out our resources for adapting to these times. Jan 14, 2014 through the bible with les feldick book 80, lesson 1, segment 3. Through the bible with les feldick book 4 a transcript of tape 4 by les feldick jan 1, 2004. Les feldick what does the book say study group is a closed group but so easy to join. An oklahoma rancher and farmer, les feldick has been teachin. Questions and answers from the bible by feldick, les and a great selection of related books, art and collectibles available now at. For, lo, the days come, saith the lord, that i will bring again the captivity of my people israel and judah, saith the lord. Books archives page 7 of 10 les feldick ministries store.
Through the bible with les feldick lesson 1 part 3 book 55 i peter 4. Wed just like to thank you for joining with us in this taping as hopefully well finish ii peter in this one and be ready for i john in our next taping when we begin book number 56. Questions and answers from the bible by les feldick. Daniel and his fellow believers of the old testament economy, you will, stand in thy lot at the end of the days. An oklahoma rancher and farmer, les feldick has been teaching homestyle bible classes for twenty years in iowa, oklahoma, and texas. Les and his wife, iris, have been married since 1953. Get youtube premium get youtube tv best of youtube music sports gaming movies tv shows news live. Les feldicks unique style of bible teaching has made the books of the bible come to life. Les feldick book 55, lesson 03, segment 03 duration. Part 2 lesson 3 part 4 book 55 les feldick bible study. Through the bible with les feldick book 22 romans les feldick on. Les feldick answers many questions about scripture from a dispensational understanding of the bible. They were feast days for the nation of israel in their temple worship as they progressed through the year.
Through the bible with les feldick lesson 1 part 1 book 55 the end of all things is at hand we want to constantly be reminded that these little epistles of. Through the bible with les feldick, book 55 by les feldick. Alright, today well begin in hebrews chapter 5 and were going to start at verse 1. Through the bible with les feldick book 1, lesson 1, segment 4 by eternallifenews. If you would like to order books or dvds or to donate to les feldick ministries, you may do so by going to the lesfeldick. Books by les feldick ministries author of through the bible. If you are interested in knowing about the bible but get confused because there seem to be contradictions get this book. David that is fallen, and close up the breaches thereof. Through the bible with les feldick book 5 a transcript of tape 5 jan 1, 1994. Through the bible with les feldick, book 5 by les feldick. Jan 23, 20 les feldick is one of the last of the great teaches we have on the networks. Feldick s controversial teachings include that god flooded the earth twice, that adam fell from fear of losing eve, and that repentance isnt. Do you realize that from day one, from the time that moses brought.
In 1990, one of his students with connections to a local tv station approached les about taping a 30minute weekly program for grace believers who read chinese or spanish, here are readable and printable versions of an easy to understand booklet explaining right division in. But, before we begin i would like to recap some things that weve said several programs ago. This book is a compilation of 12 thirty minute tv program transcripts, broken down into 3 lessons, with each lesson containing 4 programs. So these things we think of as odd, were just customs of those ancient days. Oct 21, 2019 through the bible with les feldick lesson 3 part 4 book 55 2 peter 2. Les feldick ministriess most popular book is through the bible with les feldick, book. Francis chan march 20, 2020 the end of days is already here 2 new sermon duration. This cd set is a compilation of 12 thirty minute tv programs, broken down into 3 lessons, with each lesson containing 4 programs. And i think its in those 75 days that the earth will come back up and. Reddit gives you the best of the internet in one place. Follow les feldick bible study to never miss another show. Through the bible with les feldick lesson 1 part 2 book 80 study of daniel part 1 2 daniel 1. Les feldick the old oak table 2015 youtube ephesians.
Through the bible with les feldick, book 72 rakuten kobo. Book 76 les feldick daily through the bible with les feldick. Ii peter ii peter for this they willingly are ignorant of, not because they couldnt help it, but they dont want to know that by the word of god the heavens. For those of you out in television, we just like to invite you to sit down with your bible and a notepad and study with us, compare scripture with scripture. Smashwords through the bible with les feldick, book 73 a. Then their parents get a little embarrassed and they say well they watch you. In very plain english les feldick teaches fundamental ways of being clear about what is said and more importantly to who. Now remember, the book of daniel gives us 75 days after the return of christ and the end of the tribulation until things begin to flow into everyday activity. For, lo, the days come, saith the lord, that i will bring again the. Home trending history get youtube premium get youtube tv. Through the bible with les feldick, book 71 by les feldick. Les feldick book 2, lesson 1, segment 1 by eternallifenews. The last ones are written from prison in rome in 64 or 65 ad, and then hes.
Packages archives page 8 of 11 les feldick ministries. Through the bible with les feldick, book 30 overdrive. Les feldick through the bible book 01 eternallifenews. Through the bible with les feldick book 1, lesson 3, segment 4 by eternallifenews. Les feldick bible study daily online video bible study. He has been teaching homestyle bible classes for over 30 years. What in the world by les feldick yes, im writing another article on rightly dividing. Les feldick bible study uploaded a video 1 day ago. Through the bible with les feldick lesson 2 part 2 book 55 the believers virtue part 2 ii peter 1. Lets get right back into the book of james, chapter, 3 and we ended with verse 6 the last time we were together, so lets just go back and take a run at verse 7 by starting with verse 6. Were finding according to our mail that thats what a lot of folks are doing and learning to enjoy their bible. Listen to 66 les feldick bible study lesson 2 part 2 book 6 by les feldick bible study for free.
In that day shall there be a great mourning in jerusalem, as the. What did feldick say today page 3 christian forums. One of many bible teaching books on the through the bible with les feldick. If god has blessed you with another beautiful day comment amen. Iris and i get so thrilled as we travel and we go to these seminars and ten or twelveyearold kids will come up and give either her or i a hug. Plastic comb through the bible with les feldick set of 56 spiralbound books. But he, stephen being full of the holy spirit, looked up steadfastly into heaven, and saw the glory of god.
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